
01 July 2012

Things I am grateful for #1

OK so it's been a while since I've posted. To be honest I have been reading, but I just haven't felt the drive to squeal about any of the books I've read. 

Sooooooo, I thought I would challenge myself to post every day for a month of things that I am grateful for. It's getting to that time of year when everyone's flu-ey, it's cold and wet, we're all due for some holidays (or at least a little weekend getaway) and I wanted to try to turn myself around by reminding myself that really, I have it pretty damn good. I have a roof over my head, employment, warm clothes, food to eat, a loving family and some amazing friends. And I'd best stop there or I'll have nothing to write about for the rest of the month! 

Aaaanyhoo, for today I'm going to start the month off by saying that I'm grateful for my family. I spent the weekend at home (about 2 hours from where I live), and got to see my sister, one of my brothers (and his girlfriend), and my wonderful parents. Mum took me out for lunch for a little mother / daughter catch up and a spot of retail therapy. We drank lots and lots of cups of tea :)


I bought a maxi dress, a warm woolly cardi, and "The Hypnotist's Love Story" by Liane Moriarty (because I need more books...) We had a lazy Saturday night in with a movie - "The Vow". 


Then this morning we had a lovely leisurely brunch where I had a lovely homemade muesli which has inspired me to make some of my own, and mum sent me home this afternoon with a bulging bag of groceries. 


What are you grateful for? If you'd like to join in my month of things you're grateful for, post them below, or do your own and post a link in the comments section! 

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