
26 May 2012

In Hiding

Hi all

I haven't posted in a while... OK, I haven't posted in ages. I suck, I know! Work has been really busy, and therefore I have not been able to read much. Ergo, haven't blogged any reviews lately. Excuses, excuses.

My pile of "books to read", however, has grown. I really need to stop buying books for a while and actually read some!

So I thought I'd write some quick thoughts out. I'm thinking about broadening out my theme. I've found "Beauty Heaven" and love all the girls blogs, thoughts and reviews of fun and pretty things! I might start to put some beauty posts up here too... and hopefully this will entice me to post a little more frequently, as even when I'm too busy to read, I still wash my face and wear make up to work every day!

But for now, here's one about eReaders. I've downloaded the Kobo app onto my HTC phone. To be honest, although it feels really disloyal to my 'real' books, I actually really like it. I didn't expect to. I love the feeling of a real book. The weight, the smell, the satisfaction you get as you get further through, knowing you only have 100/40/3 pages left (and the disappointment - or relief - you get from knowing this!). 

Pros of eReaders/tablet/phone apps
- It's easy to carry around no matter how big the book is
- Has the added bonus of being able to read it in the dark. Once I'm in bed I really dislike having to get out again, and when I'm away from home I don't always have a bedside lamp. Perfect example - Mum and Dad's house. 
- Cheap books, and books/authors I wouldn't necessarily have found or looked at in a book shop.

- Eye strain after reading for an extended period of time
- Doesn't feel like a book as such
- Can't put the books I've read on my bookshelf to brag about!
- Can't loan books I love to family/friends (Though this might be a pro? I hate hate hate not getting my books back, or getting them back in terrible condition)


Do you have an eReader? Do you love it? 


  1. I've had my PocketBook Pro 902 for a year and a half now and love it. The thing about Australia is that you can't get an eReader bigger than 7" - and back when I was looking to buy one, there weren't any eReader that weren't affiliated with bookstores. So I went online and found the HG of eReaders (IMO): the PocketBook. Mine is 9.7" and it's able to fit in my bag still.

    I love how I can buy books cheaper now as well as the fact that I can carry a gazillion books with me in a thing that weighs 500g. I'm really proud of my eReader too, despite not being able to show off my lovely books hehe!

    I really advise you to buy a proper eReader because most eReaders don't have a back light (they have e-ink instead), so your eyes don't get strained apart from the normal strain you get after reading an actual book. I also suggest not buying a Kindle or any eReader affiliated with a bookstore because they usually can only read the bookstore's format, ePubs and PDFs, so you're a bit limited there. Get an eReader which can read all sorts of different formats.

    Also, a tip for the blog: don't use CAPTCHA, it's a big pain in the ass cos most people are too lazy to decipher it and don't bother to comment then.

    1. Hi Alice. Thanks for the tip, think I've removed it... Didn't realise it was on. Oops!

      Good tip re: the specific eReaders. I actually looked for eReaders for ages when they first came out. I've contemplated looking again, and might check out the PocketBook Pro :) Sounds like a good size and still light.

  2. I love the idea of an eReader, but just find them annoying in reality. I think theres nothing better than a hard copy. The smell and the feel is something you miss out on in digital form :(
